Unexpected money scams involve someone overseas offering you a share in a large sum of money or a payment on the condition you help them to transfer money out of their country.
How this scam works The scammer will contact you out of the blue by email, letter, text message or through social media.
The scammer will tell you an elaborate story about large amounts of their money trapped in banks during events such as civil wars or coups, often in countries currently in the news. Or they may tell you about a large inheritance that is ‘difficult to access’ because of government restrictions or taxes in their country. The scammer will then offer you a large sum of money to help them transfer their personal fortune out of the country.
Scammers may ask for your bank account details to ‘help them transfer the money’ and use this information to later steal your funds.
Or they may ask you to pay fees, charges or taxes to ‘help release or transfer the money out of the country’ through your bank. These fees may even start out as quite small amounts. If paid, the scammer may make up new fees that require payment before you can receive your reward. They will keep asking for more money as long as you are willing to part with it.
You will never be sent the money that was promised.
If you have been scammed, you can rest assured that our recovery experts will help you reclaim your lost funds. All you need to do is fill our form for a free consultation and we will build a customized recovery case for you.
We’ll look at the particulars of your case and give you a genuine response in relation to our ability to assist you.
Fast Resolution
Our agents will work speedily to secure the resolution you require and the recovery of your funds.
Peace of Mind
Let us remove the burden placed on you by the scammers. A free consultation will help to start you on the road to recovery.
We Are Industry Leaders in Financial Recovery.
Bulman solutions Ltd is one of the leading recovery firms worldwide. Specializing in online trading scams (Forex, Binary Options, Crypto, etc), we pride ourselves on having one of the highest success rates in the industry.